On May 5, 2021, we are hosting a panel of lawyers at different stages of their careers to talk about anxiety and mental health, their personal experiences and how you can apply these lessons in your career. Afterwards, we will leave some time for Q&A and informal discussions.
This event is hosted in collaboration with FACL BC and is kindly supported by Fasken.
Brook Greenberg, Q.C. - Law Society of British Columbia (Bencher), Fasken (Partner)
Winston Sayson, Q.C. - Crown Counsel / Trial Prosecutor (Retired)
Steven Ngo - Visier (Senior Counsel), Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers BC (Vice President) and Beyond the A (Co-Founder)
About FACL BC:
The Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers (British Columbia) Society ("FACL BC") is a diverse coalition working to promote equity, justice, and opportunity for Asian Canadian legal professionals and the wider community.
Find out more at http://faclbc.ca or follow FACL BC at @faclbc.
About Beyond the A:
The mission of Beyond the A is to destigmatize anxiety and provide tools and resources for students and lawyers to excel in their careers and beyond.
Find out more at http://beyondthea.co or follow Beyond the A at @beyondthea.co.