Episode 13 - Blake Gansborg (Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP)

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In Episode 13 of our podcast, Blake Gansborg, a Partner at Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP’s Denver, Colorado office, shares his personal experiences with anxiety throughout his career, what has worked for him in overcoming it, and reflects on what the legal profession can do to de-stigmatize the topic of mental health.

Q: As a Partner, do you feel like your experiences with anxiety are different in your career?

“Things are a little bit better. I feel a lot more confident in my skill set and interpersonal skills…I have a lot more comfort around that, just being older and doing it for over a decade. There’s always going to be something that’s going to drive anxiety and uncertainty, and both will motivate me to do my best, try really hard and keep pushing. But then also that creates the kind of tension, that uncertainty and anxiety that is both good and bad in so many ways.”

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At Beyond the A, we understand that anxiety and mental health is a serious issue. While we do not purport to be experts, our mission is to open up the conversation and provide you with the tools and resources to excel in your career and beyond. If you are seeking immediate help, please contact a healthcare professional or access our resources page.  

Given the sensitivity of the topic, we are always open to further conversation about it.  Email us at info@beyondthea.co and someone from our team will get back to you.

Steven Ngo