Interviews and OCIs | Intention


As you start to receive your in-firm interview offers, it is easy to feeel overwhelmed by the variety of choices out there.

“Who do I schedule first? How do I balance the day? How does this work again?”

When you combine the “paradox of choice” with a “fear of loss (aka FOMO)”, this is a recipe for disaster.

But if you approach the stage of the recruit with a level of intention, it will help you tremendously. And if anything, it will help you focus on what is important and not get overwhelmed.

Ok, this sounds great … but how I start?

  • First, spend a few minutes writing down a list of what is important to you.

    • Here are some suggestions:

      • Hire-back numbers

      • Number of students per year

      • Diversity and inclusion numbers and ratios

      • Opportunity for your growth

      • Firm’s potential and viability

      • “Gut feel” of the firm

  • Second, set up a Google Sheet (or whatever platform you want to use) to track the above

  • Third, rank each firm. Use whatever ranking system you want: 5-star system, a 1 - 10 system, emoticons, anything!

Of course, the list is different for each person. And it actually doesn’t matter what criteria that you use. What is important is that you do this process.

Once you put your list together, you will feel a sense of control and it will become a lot easier to filter through the noise and overwhelm during the upcoming recruit. Good luck!

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At Beyond the A, we understand that anxiety and mental health is a serious issue. While we do not purport to be experts, our mission is to open up the conversation and provide you with the tools and resources to excel in your career and beyond. If you are seeking immediate help, please contact a healthcare professional or access our resources page.  

Given the sensitivity of the topic, we are always open to further conversation about it.  Email us at and someone from our team will get back to you.

Steven Ngo